ČKRR Clubshow - 21.-22.September 2024

26.09.2024 08:42:26 | Katharina Cafourek, Katharina Cafourek | Ausstellung, Czech, Dogshow, Richten, Tschechien
Last weekend I had the pleasure of judging the RRs at the Český klub rhodéských ridgebacků (ČKRR - Czech Rhodesian Ridgeback Club).
With a total of 171 RRs (Saturday) and 157 RRs (Sunday), these are figures we can only dream of in Switzerland

On Saturday I judged the 88 bitches (excl. puppies & youngest) and on Sunday 76 males & puppies/youngest bitches.

The good quality of the dogs did not always make the selection easy
A big thank you to the ČKRR for the invitation and the great support on site

Mnohokrát děkuji za fotografie Petr Pietri Jurásek.
a také za ty, které jsem vzala u Lenka Bechová & Jitka Hojzanová Ludvíková

Katharina Cafourek und Sofie Krigholm
With my fellow judge Sofie Krigholm from Sweden

Katharina Cafourek beim Richten

Verschnaufpause nach dem Richten, Katharina Cafourek mit Shumbazino Hatia FeleenaTaking a breather with Tia after judging

Welpensieger Timmy Trumpet Slunce Sambezi von Lenka Bechova, Gerichtet Katharina Cafourek
My puppy winner “Timmy Trumpet Slunce Sambezi” by Lenka Bechová

Bester Rüde Cute Win Legend of Africa von Jitka Ludvikova
My “best male” : “Cute Win Legend of Africa” by Jitka Ludvíková